Tuesday, March 08, 2005


To say I was gutted would be an understatement. When I left the Student's Union building I was feeling deflated all the way until I was back at the flat. This really hasn't been a kind evening for Man. United, but more so for me.

I've got to hold my hand up and say Milan were far better than United tonight. All the hype about 1999 and the spirit of Turin and stuff, they are just right where they are, six long years ago. No sign at all of them returning. United couldn't hold on to the ball for two seconds the whole night, sometimes making me wonder if this was really the Manchester United that I've grown so fond of over the years.

Granted, Ryan Giggs did miss a very good opportunity to score for United in the first half but hit the post, and Ronaldo, who could've benefited had Giggs opted to square the ball instead of having a go himself, was unlucky not to get any sort of a rebound off the post. Ruud van Nistelrooy shot just wide off the mark when presented with a chance in the 2nd. half, but to be honest, that one, even if he had hit the target, it would be straight at Dida anyway, who had the shot covered.

Those two chances aside, Milan were very, very comfortable and also had a few good chances themselves and scored one from a beautiful Crespo header. So comfortable in fact, that they make Manchester United, the biggest football club in the world, look extremely ordinary. And it's like they're just content sitting back letting United have a go at them, but when they got the chance to go forward, they seem to be able to create chances at will.

Roy Keane, Ronaldo, Giggs, van Nistelrooy, Paul Scholes, and Wayne Rooney, all members of the first team at United, were all ineffective. It's quite hard to try to remember how many, if any, meaningful contributions they made to this match. Okay van Nistelrooy is the one that supplied Giggs with the pass for his chance in the first half. Anything else?

Sir Alex mentioned before the game that he thinks this United side were technically better than the one which won the Treble in 1999. But the '99 side played with far, far more cohesion. You can't find many faults with a team that won the Treble can you??

And to top it all off, Barca had to lose a late dubious goal to "smelly shit" Chelsea, resulting in the Blues going through. Is there no one brave enough to stop the arrogant sore loser Jose Mourinho?? And it seems to me that Chelsea are beginning to emerge from their slump, if you can call a few draws and defeat by Barca in the Champions League "slump" at all (okay, they did lose to Newcastle in the FA Cup, which is all the more surprising...Newcastle?? ). And United are the ones entering into what seems to be yet another mini-slump.



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